Hello Organic!
Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Wednesday, September 22, 2010.
The last few months Dave and I toyed around with the idea of buying certain foods organic. Now, we do not have organic sheets, organic materials in our house or by no means going 100% green. We just thought we would change the way we eat and purchase certain foods. After doing some research (isn't online research wonderful these days!) and reading lots of food journals and magazines, I found a list of things you SHOULD buy organic. Basically we started purchasing foods organic that were very highest level in pesticide contamination, highest level of growth hormones or other antibiotics. Some things we started buying organic are apples, peaches, potatoes, spinach and strawberries. We also started buying organic chicken (my kids LOVE chicken)
I know you probably are thinking that we grew up on that other stuff and we turned out just fine! However, we have changed some of our eating habits anyway and I can say that I can taste a small difference in the foods.
I don't know if we will stick with it. I don't know if it will make our eating habits more healthy. But we are giving it a try and so far so good...
October 6, 2010 at 11:58 PM
We have purchased the "dirty dozen" foods organically for awhile now, and I can honestly say we have been sick less since we started doing that...could be coincidence or could be a correlation there.