We finally moved Julia out of her toddler bed to a twin bed. We had an extra frame so we purchased this beautiful white suede tufted headboard and the mattress/box spring. I took her to the store and had her pick out her very own big girl bedding set. We went into the kids bedding area first and she saw some very girly sets that had flowers, birds, lady bugs...very cute. Surprisingly she wasn't thrilled with them so she walked down the next aisle and to my surprise it was the "college" bedding set. I told her that maybe we should go back to the little girl section and she said "NO". She immediately found the set she wanted- bright hot pink with ruffles on the comforter. It came with a matching ruffled pillow sham and pink & white polka dot sheet set. I told her that it may be "too old" for her and that we should go back to the little girl section and she threw a fit and said she wanted that one. I tried the old trick of putting the flowery bed set and the hot pink set next to each other and maybe it would change her mind but no- she insisted on the hot pink ruffled set.
We got home, put it all together and I am so glad she picked out the hot pink set. It looks gorgeous with the tufted headboard and the little girl sets wouldn't do this bed any justice. It was made for her. Just look below...
Trying out her new bed with her big brother watching. |
Acting like silly monkeys. |
Sound asleep in her new bed. This bed, the headboard and the set was made for her. It's perfect. |
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